When it comes to extending the life of a composite hose, there are a lot of elements at play. This includes the usage, environment, and storage. Composite hoses play a critical role in running seamless machinery-based operations. Composite hoses offer pressured fluid straight to the machinery and involve motion control.
Prolonging the life of a composite hose comes down to “how” you manage and maintain it. The most common factors that impact the life of a composite hose include heat, chemical erosion, high pressure, abrasion, trapped air, wrong assembly, and tears and rips.
Let’s take a look at a few ways you can extend the life of your composite hose:
Correct Installation
Proper installation is the key to extending the life of any composite hose. So, make sure to follow the installation guidelines of your manufacturer. This means following the recommendations to set the right temperature limits, pressure ratings, and bending radius. At all costs, avoid potential sharp bends as well as kinks that compromise the build quality of composite hoses. Create a support system for your composite hose so that you can reduce overall stress.
Regular Inspections
Run regular inspections to spot any signs of wear and damage. You should also look for visible abrasions, cuts, or cracks in the outer cover of the composite hose. A good practice is to keep an eye on your composite hose during couplings, connections, and fittings. In any case, make sure there are no leaks in your composite hose.
Proper Handling
Make sure to handle your composite hose with proper care so that you avoid common wear and tear. For starters, don’t drop or drag your composite hose when it’s loaded with gases or liquids. Your approach should be to lift and then carry your composite hose to different locations in order to reduce the potential risk of damage.
Contamination and Cleanliness Control
Sure, it is important to make sure chemicals and temperatures are compatible. But it is equally crucial to have complete contamination and cleanliness control. The idea is to keep your composite hose completely clean so that it doesn’t clog and contaminate during the handling of gases and fluids.
Ideally, you should flush your composite hose with suitable cleaning agents so that you can get rid of residues. And if your composite hose is not designed to deal with chemicals – avoid them to prevent deterioration, which can lead to hazardous situations.
Extending the Life of a Composite Hose: What Should Be Your Approach?
If you follow standard maintenance practices, you will ensure your composite hose continues to be in solid condition and offer efficient and safe gas/fluid transfer for a long time. Whether you’re buying a brand-new composite hose or trying to preserve the current one, it is common to run into the fourth wall. And in that case, don’t be reluctant to get professional help.
Final Thoughts
Extending the life of a composite hose is all about proper handling, correct installation, regular inspections, and ensuring the correct chemical and temperature compatibility. If you’re choosing a new composite hose, take your time to compare the best options. Opt for composite hoses with great materials that offer flawless management control so that you can have an easy setup for years to come.